Fakes, Fictions, and Forensics

*** English version below***
Fakes, Fictions, and Forensics | Ausstellung kuratiert von Anja Lückenkemper & Sandra Teitge
Eröffnung: Freitag, 27.05.2022, 16–21:00 Uhr
***English version***
Fakes, Fictions, and Forensics | Exhibition curated by Anja Lückenkemper & Sandra Teitge
Opening: Friday, May 27th, 2022, 4–9 pm
The term ‘gossip’ evokes images of glossy magazines, of schoolyard dramas, the chitchat of afternoon coffee dates with neighbors or amongst mothers. Gossip has a bad reputation; not for nothing did George Harrison refer to gossip as „the devil‘s radio“. But gossip is also activism; it is an ancient tool of female knowledge production. Though therefore (often) political, gossip can also be fun, can be wild and seductive. Fakes, Fictions, and Forensics questions what is perceived as normal in this context.
The works of Anna Ehrenstein, Nora Heinisch, Natalie Paneng, and Franziska Pierwoss develop a new understanding of gossip, to consider it not as “empty talk“ but as emancipatory re-appropriation and cultural learning. As a powerful means of communicating information about rules of conduct, female (self-)presentation and social norms, gossip strengthens bonds, shares knowledge, and creates resistant images of femininity.
Fakes, Fictions, and Forensics is part of the series The Devil’s Radio, curated by Anja Lückenkemper & Sandra Teitge, funded by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds.