On Tuesday, 30 January 2014, the WILA network meeting took place in feldfünf. After a presentation by Barbara Willcke, landscape architect and office owner of Planung.freiraum, a review of the site manager talks 2024 was given.

The WIA (Women in Architecture) took place at feldfünf in June 2021. The Association of German Landscape Architects (bdla) took part with the festival weekend “WILA 24 h Women in Landscape Architecture”. The WILA festival gave rise to a network meeting for women from the broad field of landscape architecture. Since then, the WILAs have been meeting regularly every month or every two months at different locations and for different topics.

The network meetings enable women to come together in an open atmosphere away from the daily routine of work and office life, to exchange expertise, make contacts and share personal experiences.

The WILA network meeting takes place every two months on the last Tuesday of the month and is organised cooperatively by the participating women themselves. It is aimed at all interested women, regardless of bdla membership.

For more information and registration: womeninlarchitecture@gmail.com.

For questions:bdla-bb@bdla.de.

Time: 19.00 Uhr

Location: feldfünf Projekträume im Metropolenhaus, Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohnplatz 7-8, 10969 Berlin