Synthese Ausstellung von designtransfer der UdK Berlin

OPENING | SYNTHESIS Exhibition by designtransfer of the Berlin University of the Arts

Duration: 19/07 – 21/07/2024

How do we interact with creatures without references and the elephant in the room, are there pretzels everywhere and what is the big story behind the small pastry, how can new forms be created from European and Japanese ornaments, how is death celebrated as part of life in different cultures and who wears which hat and why?

designtransfer presents five graduation projects from the Visual Communication department of the UdK Berlin at feldfünf.

Synthese der Stile / Yui Yamagishi

Fluo-Knall / Charlotte Hornung

Den Tod Feiern / Kirim Nam

Die Brezel / Yitong Feng

Hüte und andere Kopfbedeckungen aus aller Welt / Karen Exner

Come along and celebrate with us at the vernissage on Friday, 19 July from 2 pm in feldfünf!

Further information is available at: