Das Bundesumweltministerium, das Umweltbundesamt und das Internationale Design Zentrum Berlin laden zum Bundespreis Ecodesign 2024 in feldfünf ein. Bestaunt bei der Vernissage am 19. September über 140 Designinnovationen.
Was für ein großartiger Monat! Im Juli hatten wir gleich drei Berliner Hochschulen bei feldfünf zu Gast.
From 19 to 21 July, the Department of Visual Communication at the weißensee school of art will be celebrating the graduation of its graduates with the exhibition “Shifting Relations” at feldfünf. We cordially invite you to the vernissage on Friday, 19 July from 6 pm in feldfünf!
designtransfer presents five graduation projects from the Visual Communication department of the UdK Berlin at feldfünf. Don’t miss the vernissage on Friday, 19 July from 2 pm!
In the exhibition “Berlin-Cairo Approaches”, students of the GIU Berlin show projects from the fields of architecture, urban sociology, graphic and product design. Don’t miss the opening on Saturday, 13 July!